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Ah, the annual debate: is Santa real or not real?

I won't bore you with the history of Santa Claus or the racist undertones of a normalized white Santa. I'll also assume that you know I don't believe in a dude circumnavigating the world with an infinite supply of toys, sneaking into homes while children sleep, snatching stale cookies and warm milk with a cheery "Ho Ho Ho" and a wave goodnight. So, that leave the real question that most parents face:

Do I let my kids believe in Santa, or tell them the truth?

This was actually a real argument between me and Mallerie. Since my twins weren't aware of Santa for their first Christmas, I didn't have to worry about it until their second Christmas. They were still just 15 months old, but very verbal and Mallerie was worried that they would leak THE TRUTH to her littles. See, Mallerie absolutely loves Christmas and goes big every year, so naturally her kids had always believed in Santa. Enter: me. I was opposed to the idea from the start, mostly because I have this crazy idea that we should be wholly and constantly honest with our children. Mallerie is more grounded, explaining to me again and again that kids can't always process the whole truth.

Of course, her core argument was that not believing in Santa would take the fun out of Christmas. That didn't work so well with me, as snow balls and candy canes and generosity are all wonderful things. We don't have to believe in Santa to get into the holiday spirit. So, she offered another argument: all their friends believe in Santa. Again, this one fell flat. Why would we push conformity for the sake of being accepted? That's not a lesson I want to teach my kids!

Final argument: We're going to pretend Santa is real and you're going to keep your mouth shut or you'll ruin it for everyone. That one worked well. Sure, she played to my inescapable sense of guilty and obligation to please others, but her heart was in a good place, right?

So, here we are on our second Christmas together, and my girls are as wrapped up in the magic of the holidays as their older siblings. They chatter about Santa and the elves and all the reindeer. I keep my mouth shut. And yes, everyone is happy.

Check back tomorrow for a look at the house decor!

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